I posted something on this blog! (I know, I know! I’m always saying how I’m going to do this more often and then the time between posts gets longer… maybe I should say that I’m not going to do this as often and take advantage of the whole reverse psychology angle)
Anyway, I’ll post details -but not anytime soon… 🙂 about all of the stuff that’s been going on in our little studio. Suffice it to say that it’s been crazy around here. We’re working on some very cool projects and our Senior Portrait season is in full swing (we’re pretty much booked through September) and we’re smiling a lot lately.
Here are some images from sessions we’ve shot since the last update and I’ll be posting (or not) some teaser images from sessions we’ve recently shot in the next few days (or months)
Thanks for hanging in there with us… looks like we’ve got ourselves a business here.