After 24 years, you would think that planning a surprise getaway would next to impossible. But he did it anyways, and completely surprised me. It took whole team of accomplices to make it happen. Our girls packed a bag for me and did a pretty good job, making sure my makeup bag and hair products and curling iron all made it, without me noticing. Friends Toren and Aidan were in on the gig too. I was lead to believe that we were headed into Savannah on business to photograph the Dresser Palmer House. This is not out of the ordinary for part of our weekly schedule since I have photographed many vacation homes. I still did not have a clue until the girl checking us in told us about times for breakfast and evening appetizers. The room was beautiful and so romantic. Champagne was waiting for us, along with peach colored roses and hundreds of rose petals scattered on the bed. After dropping our bags and a quick toast of champagne, we were off to check out our next treat at Motorini scooters. We had a scooter rental for a couple hours. It was fun to get around the city in a new way for us. Sean first took our friend Aidan for a little spin. This was his first time on a scooter, I think he really enjoyed it. Sean and I then headed down to River Street and through several squares. I am always drawn in by the romantic live oaks with the Spanish moss lightly blowing in the breeze. I remember the first time we drove into Savannah nearly 3 years ago, to see if we would even consider a relocation here. Now we get to call it home! Marriage has been quite a journey, and I am happy to say, I am glad we have stuck together, even during the tough times. There is no one I would rather be with than my Sean.
