As I am learning how to navigate though WordPress some posts might seem trivial or meaningless. As a little exercise for myself, I wanted to add some pics taken with my iphone after editing them with snapseed. A fantastic photo app that I discoverd this week. I saw that it was offered free for one […]

Beach Body Fitness Session – Tybee
The hours you have put in at the gym and hitting the pavement have finally paid off, it is time for you to experience a Beach Body Fitness Session – Tybee. Blood, sweat and tears…you have paid the price and now you are reaping the benefits. You’ve worked hard to get the body you want, […]
How to Move Out of Your Parent’s House With No Money
It’s been well documented that the millennials — and probably a good percentage of the up-and-coming Generation Z — have had a hard time detaching in the post-Great Recession world. Crushing student debt, a tough job market, and several other variables are all at play. But the end result is that many young people are […]
Stepping Out into a New Day
“Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today […]
Tybee Island Wedding – Full Moon Style
We met Micheal and Sarah within the first week of moving to the island and have become fast friends. They were in the process of “planning” their own version of a Tybee Island Wedding (which actually meant as little planning as possible) and asked us to do the photography and video. The only thing they […]
Tybee: Two Down, One to Go
Wow… it’s hard to believe that we’ve already been down here for 2 months. We’ve got this amazing place at the beach for one more month and we’re going to make sure to make the most of it. Last month we had friends from Kansas, Indiana and Iowa visit, all of them on their way […]
Live! From the Island of Misfit Toys
Just wanted to drop a quick note to let everyone know that we’re alive and well (very well, actually) and getting settled here on Tybee Island, or as I’ve taken to calling it in the spirit of Christmas, the Island of Misfit Toys! It’s taken a bit longer than I thought to get communication back […]
2011: Great So Far and Only Gonna Get Better
Did anybody see where the summer went? I blinked and it was gone. It’s been a good one and we’ve had a blast with the Seniors of 2012. If you’re still planning to have Wen take your Senior Portraits, September and October are gorgeous and we’ve still got some sessions available. 2011 has certainly been […]
Wen McNally Photography 2012 Senior Models Update
Here’s a big ol’ batch of 2012 Senior Models! It’s been crazy around here for the last week or so, with senior model sessions, events and getting ready for our oldest son to graduate from USCG Bootcamp on Friday.
Wen McNally Photography 2012 Senior Model – Kate Video
Here’s the first quick behind the scenes video from our 2012 Senior Model sessions. This one features Kate.