After a restless 3 hours of sleep, I couldn’t continue to lay there. Well actually I did, but I did not try to get back to sleep. I have had a kink in my neck for 3 days now, that just won’t seem to go away. I can do things that will help temporarily, but the pain still lingers. As I lay there, not really feeling sorry for myself, because this is of my own doing. Poor posture, lack of exercise and needing to eat better. I know that in a day or two it will be better and I will start to get a handle on taking better care of myself.
I am reminded of those that are close to me with a lot more on their minds this morning. My sister-in-law Michelle (my brother Trip’s wife) is headed to the hospital this morning for a day of pre-op treatment to prepare her for an eight hour brain surgery on Wednesday to remove benign tumors. This is not the first time she has had to undergo such a surgery. The first time was 10 years ago. A lot has happened since then. Another child was added to their family, kids have grown up, moved out, gone to college, stepping out and making their way in the world. Michelle is a fighter and she will come through this, I know. As a child she spent many nights in Children’s Hospital fighting leukemia. So she is no stranger to the fight, nor to Faith in God as her strength.
I have close friend whose nephew, TJ is fighting cancer like a boss and got some news this week that was not favorable. That doesn’t stop him from embracing each day with love and life. When you hear of the trials that others are going through, it does put into perspective our own troubles, doesn’t it?
My inability to sleep gave way to prayer for these two and their families. Asking the Healer to touch them and make them new and take away the disease and sickness from their lives. Sometimes it just seems too big to pray for. I remind myself that He is a big God, and nothing it too big for Him. When you think of them today, please breathe a prayer for Michelle and TJ as they are in the midst of their battles.