24 November

We Want Models!


Monday, December 8 – 2:30 til ????

WOW! We have had an amazing year (and we've got most of you to thank for it. so thanks.) We've got a ton of new ideas and things we want to play around with for next year, so we've decided to see if anyone wants to come out and play. We'll get some pizzas, crank up the music and see what we come up with. It's hard to say what we'll do with everything, but you know we always take care of anyone who helps us out.

So how 'bout it? Wanna hang out at the studio and help us noodle through some things we've got swirling around in our heads?

Drop us a line to let us know that you're coming (that way, we know how much pizza and stuff to buy!) Tell a friend or two (we had over 45 kids show up for our prom dress shoot) and mark it on your calendar. If nothing else, we'll have a good time.
